Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012

This is just a quick note to say: last week when we went into clinic, the doctor decided that SD's congestion was too significant to sedate him. (They did sedate him when he was that congested during our first week at the hospital, but that was an emergency situation - they had to take over his breathing and everything). So, SD had his port accessed in the morning and they started him on fluids, but then we ended up leaving around 10 am instead of being there all day.

We rescheduled for this week (tomorrow, actually). SD's cough has been getting better, so we will hopefully spend about 10 hours in the clinic tomorrow.

We have mixed feelings about the clinic visit tomorrow. SD has been more himself the last few days than ever! He's been smiling and laughing and talking so much! Of course, it's better for him to get his chemo, but we know it'll give him a lot of pain (at least). We do expect SD to regress again this next month (starting tomorrow) - his temper, patience, energy, and vocabulary are all hit pretty hard by chemotherapy.

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