Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

SD began Maintenance cycle 4 today! Going into it we weren't certain whether he'd be able to have his procedures done because of the cough he's had for a couple weeks. It's been gradually getting worse over that time and he spent a lot of the night last night coughing. After listening to him this morning, the nurse ordered x-rays of his chest and sinuses to make sure sedation would be safe. Thankfully he was cleared for all procedures and everything went smoothly.

His counts have continued to improve since Monday, so he is going back on his oral chemo starting today. Some of his dosages have actually increased because he's reached a new weight bracket. He'll need counts rechecked in two weeks to make sure he's handling everything. He has gone through the whole accessing ordeal four times in just under two weeks, which is pretty hard on him; even when he just has a blood draw through his port and no chemo, it takes a lot out of him.

After clinic today we brought the kids and Grandma Cleary to the butterfly exhibit at the Frederick Meijer Garden. It was a short trip due to rain, but quite enjoyable for all!


  1. With our computer problems, I've missed several posts over the last months, but was happy to catch up tonight. The butterfly exhibit looks like a fun place! Kids are really growing!

    1. Somehow I missed seeing this comment! It's so nice to have you back in cyber world. :)
