Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21, 2011

SD is still inconsolable most of the time. The same two movies are in an infinite loop.

SD got his first real bath since the morning his port was put in today. His port site has been healing nicely, and we were given the go-ahead to bathe him during our last clinic visit. We always have to wait 24 hours after his port has been accessed (which is every time he goes to the hospital), but we are happy that we can finally get him properly clean again! We've missed that velvety just-bathed skin.

SD received a couple of books from Grandpa Cleary today - and he actually took an interest in them! He has only wanted to be read to twice since coming home, but when he caught a glimpse of the brightly colored cover with animals - including an alligator - on it, he reached out for the book with an enthusiasm we've only seen him muster for his favorite foods since coming home. He looked at the book eagerly while loudly repeating the phrase "Ah wah foo" (I want food). When Mandy came back with toast a few minutes later, he almost excitedly showed her the "baas" on one of the pages (he refers to most animals by the sound they make. Dog is the one exception so far.); such encouraging progress!

Unfortunately, Emma has started screeching. She's been observing how SD whines and cries and (usually) gets his way, and seems to be testing how it might work for her. We hope both children will not have trouble unlearning this sort of behavior after SD is done with his mood-altering drugs.

Speaking of which... only six more days of Decadron! Hopefully it won't take too long to leave his system once he stops taking it.


  1. Love reading your updates! Praying for wisdom and strength and peace for Mommy and Daddy throughout this time!

  2. Yay, so close to being done with the Eecadron! I'm sure it must be very trying. I'm praying that you can all get through this as easily as possible, and that SD returns to his normal happy self soon.
