Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3, 2011 (Afternoon)

SD sat on the couch for quite a while this afternoon. This picture is of us watching one of his favorite movies.

We have a soft mat in his room for him to play on, rather than the hard floor. He hasn't played on it yet, but he did walk on it a bit today.

Mandy and Grandma Cleary participated in a Polish dinner at the Renucci House tonight. Meals at the house are put on by volunteer organizations and are quite good!

SD took several more walks this afternoon, and some wagon rides as well. He's in much less pain today, and no longer objects as much when people touch him.

We've been finding some foods that he's more likely to eat. Peanut butter and jelly (minus crust) and applesauce are the biggest hits. We think it may be because they're softer foods.

Today we sat SD down and gave him The Talk. We told him that his blood was sick, and that it would take a long time for the doctors to fix it. And that we would go home soon, but that we would have to come back to the hospital a lot. And that his port would have to stay in a long time, and that the doctors used it to help make him better. In between each part he would quietly say "uh, huh." He's a very smart boy, and we really think he understood what we were saying.


  1. I'm glad you guys can look forward to go home, and that SD is able to understand some of what's happening to him. *hugs*

  2. Thank you so much for taking time from your busy and stressful days to post information and pictures for us! We're all thinking of you constantly and praying for you! Lots of love to all.

  3. I don't know u guys but we know Craig and Valerie and we just want u tk know that there are prayers all over being said for your family! I can't say i understand what u r going through but we serve a great God! Know u r prayed for!!
