Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28-30, 2011

Wednesday was SD's first day completely without steroids. He certainly wasn't back to his normal self, but there was already some difference. We noticed his voice starting to change. The steroids had made SD's voice higher and whinier; on Wednesday it was squeaky, but not as high as it had been.

SD showed a lot of improvement on Thursday! He started noticing his surroundings a lot more. He noticed there were several gifts still under the tree and wanted to open one (we saved most of the kids' Christmas gifts until SD was in a better mood). He not only smiled but laughed when he felt snow on his fingers. That was his first laugh since before Thanksgiving, so we were elated when we heard it!

He did develop a strange sort of diaper rash, so Mandy took him into his regular pediatrician. SD was aware that we were going to the doctor's office (he started saying "no" when they turned onto their road). He also started saying "papa" when they parked; "papa" in SD-speak means "train" (derived from the sound of a puffing steam locomotive), and in this case it meant he wanted to play with the train in the doctor's waiting room. While he was there, he also checked out a book he had previously enjoyed (particularly the pictures of cupcakes), and pointed out a rocket ship drawing on the wall.

These may sound like little things, but they are very encouraging to us - SD is definitely returning to normal! He started some antibiotics, so he's got more medicine again, but at least he's off the ones that mess with his mind!

On Friday, the big news is that SD smiled and laughed while playing with Mandy:

In other news, we realized we had an egg problem. Before Christmas weekend, SD was going through eggs at a pretty good pace - scrambled eggs, french toast, etc. Stephen bought a bunch of eggs the week before Christmas, and our guests also brought eggs... just in time for SD to pull a reversal and have nothing to do with them. Friday morning we realized we had 91 eggs in the 'fridge. Yes, ninety-one eggs. So we had two completely new dishes for dinner: frittata and German pancake.


  1. So, the family myth is that things were so tough at one time in Ames, that we had eggs twenty-one times one week... I don't know if that's true, but it's good to see traditions continue...

  2. I'm so glad to hear all the good things!! I bet you're ecstatic for SD to be off that medication, and I'm sure he's feeling loads better, as well. That video was adorable, and I love his laugh!

    I had to lol about all the eggs in your house! At least you found good uses for many of them. ;)
